
Windows 10

Setup GUI

  1. Install python 3.8 or newer.

  2. Set your PATH variable such that it includes the Scripts folder of your python installation.

  3. Go to 01_SETUP/WINDOWS and run py -m setup in the cmd shell.

  4. Install Sensirion Control Center to allow the sensor bridge to communication with the computer. Important: Select yes when asked for driver installation at the end of the process.

  5. Find the finished executable at 02_SOFTWARE/disp.

Setup Sensirion USB Sensor Viewer

  1. Install the Sensirion USB Sensor Viewer.

  2. Select COM HARDWARE: RS485/USB Sensor Cable.

  3. Select Sensor Product: DP Sensors (SDP3x/SDP8xx).

  4. Execute Drivers/ with a local python environment. This will give you an overview of all connected sensors and print the comport ID of the pressure sensor in the final line.

  5. Enter the previously found comport number in the RS485 Sensor viewer and connect.


The installation is based on pyinstaller. It is configured via the 02_SOFTWARE/main.spec file. Set debug=True and console=True to receive informative output on the cmd shell upon launching the program.