Source code for Drivers.Shdlc_IO

from struct import unpack, pack
from sensirion_shdlc_driver import ShdlcConnection, ShdlcDevice, ShdlcSerialPort
from sensirion_shdlc_driver.errors import ShdlcTimeoutError
from serial.serialutil import SerialException
from Drivers.PlatformBase import PlatformBase
import time
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("root")

    0x20: "sensor busy",
    0x21: "no ack from sensor",
    0x22: "i2c crc false",
    0x23: "sensor timeout",
    0x24: "no measurement started",

[docs]class ShdlcIoModule(PlatformBase): """ The ShdlcIoModule represents the custom Sensirion HDLC IO Box that allows driving the heater with a PWM output. :type serial_port: str :param serial_port: Comport the IO box is connected to :type baudrate: int :param baudrate: Baudrate of the connection :type slave_address: int :param slave_address: Slave address :type input_pins: list :param input_pins: list of integers of the input pins """ def __init__( self, serial_port: str, baudrate=115200, slave_address=0, input_pins=None ) -> None: self.ShdlcDevice = None self._serial_port = serial_port self._baudrate = baudrate self._slave_address = slave_address super(ShdlcIoModule, self).__init__(name="Heater") if input_pins is None: input_pins = range(0, 6) self._input_pins = input_pins logger.debug("SHDLC box connected.")
[docs] def connect(self) -> bool: """ Attempts to connect the ShdlcIoModule :return: True if connected successifully, False otherwise. """ try: shdlc_port = ShdlcSerialPort( port=self._serial_port, baudrate=self._baudrate ) connection = ShdlcConnection(port=shdlc_port) self.ShdlcDevice = ShdlcDevice( connection=connection, slave_address=self._slave_address ) except Exception as e: logger.error("Could not connect ShdlcIoModule: {}".format(e)) return False return True
[docs] def is_connected(self) -> bool: """ Attempts to read the serial number of the device to check if it is connected. :return: True if connected, False otherwise. """ try: self.ShdlcDevice.get_serial_number() except (SerialException, ShdlcTimeoutError) as e: logger.error("Could not reach ShdlcIoBox: {}".format(e)) return False return True
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: """ Sets all outputs off. """ self.set_all_digital_io_off() time.sleep(0.1) self.set_analog_output(value=0.0) time.sleep(0.1) self.set_pwm(pwm_bit=0, dc=0) time.sleep(0.1) self.set_pwm(pwm_bit=1, dc=0)
def __enter__(self): """ Ensures compatibility with 'with' statement. :return: Returns a reference to the current instance. """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ Called when exiting the context established by the 'with' statement. .. warning: Only use this class inside a 'with' statement to ensure calling the shut down procedure for every connected platform even upon an unscheduled end of the program. """ self.disconnect()
[docs] def get_digital_io(self, io_bit: int) -> bool: """ Reads a digital io pin. :type io_bit: int :param io_bit: Output bit to read :return: True if digital bit is set. """ p_level, err = self.ShdlcDevice._connection.transceive( command_id=0x28, data=[io_bit], slave_address=self._slave_address, response_timeout=1, ) if err: logger.error("Digital IO {} could not be read".format(io_bit)) return -1 else: return unpack("?", p_level)[0]
[docs] def set_digital_io(self, io_bit: int, value: bool) -> None: """ Sets a digital output pin. :type io_bit: int :param io_bit: The digital pin index to set :type value: bool :param value: True if set to on """ data = 1 if value else 0 self.ShdlcDevice._connection.transceive( command_id=0x28, data=[io_bit, data], slave_address=self._slave_address, response_timeout=1, )
[docs] def set_all_digital_io_off(self) -> None: """ Turns of all digital pins. """ for i in self._input_pins: self.set_digital_io(i, False)
[docs] def get_analog_input(self) -> float: """ Measures actual voltage on ADC input :return: A voltage between 0-10V """ data, err = self.ShdlcDevice._connection.transceive( command_id=0x2B, data=[], slave_address=self._slave_address, response_timeout=1, ) if err: logger.error("Analog input could not be read.") return -1 else: adc_value = unpack(">H", data)[0] / 65535.0 * 10.0 return adc_value
[docs] def get_analog_output(self) -> float: """ Gets actual voltage for DAC output :return: A voltage between 0-10V """ data, err = self.ShdlcDevice._connection.transceive( command_id=0x2A, data=[], slave_address=self._slave_address, response_timeout=1, ) if err: logger.error("Analog output could not be read.") return -1 else: dac_value = unpack(">H", data)[0] / 65535.0 / 10.0 return dac_value
[docs] def set_analog_output(self, value: int) -> None: """ Sets the analog output :type value: int :param value: A voltage between 0-10V """ adc_value = int(value / 10.0 * 65535) data = bytearray(pack(">H", adc_value)) self.ShdlcDevice._connection.transceive( command_id=0x2A, data=data, slave_address=self._slave_address, response_timeout=1, )
[docs] def set_pwm(self, pwm_bit: int, dc: int) -> None: """ Sets the pwm output :type pwm_bit: int :param pwm_bit: The index of the PWM channel to be used (0, 1) :type dc: int :param dc: :return: A duty cycle value between 0 - 65535 """ data = [pwm_bit] + list(bytearray(pack(">H", dc))) self.ShdlcDevice._connection.transceive( command_id=0x29, data=data, slave_address=self._slave_address, response_timeout=1, )
[docs] def get_pwm(self, pwm_bit: int) -> int: """ Reads the current pwm setting. :type pwm_bit: int :param pwm_bit: The index of the PWM channel to be used (0, 1) :return: A duty cycle value between 0 - 65535 """ p_dutycycle, err = self.ShdlcDevice._connection.transceive( command_id=0x29, data=[pwm_bit], slave_address=self._slave_address, response_timeout=1, ) if err: logger.error("PWM {} could not be read".format(pwm_bit)) return -1 else: return unpack(">H", p_dutycycle)[0]
if __name__ == "__main__": from Drivers.DeviceIdentifier import DeviceIdentifier from Utility.Logger import setup_custom_logger from logging import getLevelName logger = setup_custom_logger(name="root", level=getLevelName("DEBUG")) serials = {"Heater": "AM01ZB7J"} devices = DeviceIdentifier(serials=serials) with ShdlcIoModule(serial_port=str(devices.serial_ports["Heater"])) as h: h.connect() # Testing digital io print(h.get_digital_io(io_bit=0)) h.set_digital_io(io_bit=0, value=True) print(h.get_digital_io(io_bit=0)) h.set_all_digital_io_off() print(h.get_digital_io(io_bit=0)) # Testing analog io print(h.get_analog_input()) h.set_analog_output(value=1.0) print(h.get_analog_output()) h.set_analog_output(value=0.0) # Testing PWM io print(h.get_pwm(pwm_bit=0)) h.set_pwm(pwm_bit=0, dc=1000) print(h.get_pwm(pwm_bit=0)) h.set_pwm(pwm_bit=0, dc=0)