Source code for GUI.CustomWidgets.LivePlots

import pyqtgraph
from setup import Setup
from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer
from typing import Tuple
import numpy
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("root")

[docs]class LivePlotSignal(object): """ A LivePlotSignal stores all the information needed to identify and plot a single signal. :type name: str :param name: Name of the signal, to be displayed on the legend of the plot the signal is shown on :type identifier: str :param identifier: Identifier of the signal, used to retrieve the signal from the measurement buffer of the setup :type color: str :param color: Color of the plotted line used to instantiate the corresponding pen :type width: float :param width: Width of the plotted line used to instantiate the corresponding pen .. note:: Selecting integer values for the width parameter results in smoother plots. """ def __init__(self, name: str, identifier: str, color: str, width=1): = name self.identifier = identifier self.pen = pyqtgraph.mkPen(color=color, width=width) self.data_line = None
[docs]class LivePlotWidget(pyqtgraph.PlotWidget): """ The LivePlotWidget makes use of pyqtgraph to allow plotting a number of signals. It automatically updates. :type setup: Setup :param setup: Instance of the current setup to allow access to the measurement buffer :type title: str :param title: Title of the plot :type ylabel: str :param ylabel: Label of the y-axis :type ylims: Tuple :param ylims: Limits of the y-axis """ def __init__( self, setup: Setup, title: str, ylabel: str, ylims: Tuple, *args, **kwargs ) -> None: super(LivePlotWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setup = setup self.signals = [] self.ylims = ylims self.title = title # Standard visual setup for plots: self.showGrid(x=True, y=True, alpha=0.7) self.setBackground("w") self.setXRange(0, self.setup.interval_s) self.setYRange(ylims[0], ylims[1]) self.setTitle(title) self.setLabel("bottom", "Time [s]") self.setLabel("left", ylabel) # Set up timer for live plotting self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(50) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update_plot_data) self.timer.start()
[docs] def add_signals(self, signals: list) -> None: """ Add a list of signals to the plot. :type signals: list :param signals: List of LivePlotSignals """ self.addLegend() for signal in signals: # Create a line in the plot signal.data_line = pyqtgraph.PlotCurveItem( [], [], pen=signal.pen, ) # Add the signal self.signals.append(signal) self.addItem(signal.data_line)
[docs] def update_plot_data(self): """ Handles the updating of a LivePLotWidget. """ if self.setup.measurement_buffer["Time"]: if self.signals: shifted_time_axis = ( numpy.array(self.setup.measurement_buffer["Time"]) - self.setup.measurement_buffer["Time"][-1] + self.setup.interval_s ) n_entries = len(shifted_time_axis) for signal in self.signals: signal.data_line.setData( numpy.asarray(shifted_time_axis).flatten(), numpy.asarray( self.setup.measurement_buffer[signal.identifier] ).flatten()[0:n_entries], ) else: # No signals added yet pass else: # No signals recorded yet pass
[docs] def reset_plot_layout(self) -> None: """ Allows to reset the plot layout to the original view """ if self.ylims is not None: self.setYRange(self.ylims[0], self.ylims[1]) else: logger.error( "Use set_ylims to define y-axis limits before reseting the plot layout for plot {}".format( self.title ) ) self.setXRange(0, self.setup.interval_s)
[docs]class LivePlotWidgetCompetition(LivePlotWidget): """ Specialized LivePLotWidget allowing only two signals and adding color between the two corresponding lines. Used to visualize the integral of the control error. """ def __init__(self, setup: Setup, title, ylabel, ylims, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super(LivePlotWidgetCompetition, self).__init__( setup=setup, title=title, ylabel=ylabel, ylims=ylims, *args, **kwargs ) self.fill_between = None
[docs] def add_signals(self, reference_signal, actual_signal): self.addLegend() reference_signal.data_line = pyqtgraph.PlotCurveItem( [], [], pen=reference_signal.pen, ) actual_signal.data_line = pyqtgraph.PlotCurveItem( [], [], pen=actual_signal.pen, ) brush = pyqtgraph.mkBrush(color=(255, 0, 0, 50)) self.fill_between = pyqtgraph.FillBetweenItem( curve1=reference_signal.data_line, curve2=actual_signal.data_line, brush=brush, ) self.signals.append(reference_signal) self.signals.append(actual_signal) self.addItem(actual_signal.data_line) self.addItem(reference_signal.data_line) self.addItem(self.fill_between)
[docs] def update_plot_data(self): if self.setup.measurement_buffer["Time"]: if self.signals: shifted_time_axis = ( numpy.array(self.setup.measurement_buffer["Time"]) - self.setup.measurement_buffer["Time"][-1] + self.setup.interval_s ) n_entries = len(shifted_time_axis) for signal in self.signals: signal.data_line.setData( numpy.asarray(shifted_time_axis).flatten(), numpy.asarray( self.setup.measurement_buffer[signal.identifier] ).flatten()[0:n_entries], ) self.fill_between.setCurves( curve1=self.signals[0].data_line, curve2=self.signals[1].data_line )
[docs]class PlotWidgetFactory: """ The PlotWidgetFactory defines a simple interface for creating instances of previously defined LivePlotWidgets. """ def __init__(self, setup): self.setup = setup def delta_t(self): graph_delta_t = LivePlotWidget( setup=self.setup, title="Temperature Difference", ylabel="Temperature Difference [°C]", ylims=(0, self.setup.config['general']['temperature_difference_set_point_high'] + 5), ) signal_actual_delta_t = LivePlotSignal( name="Actual Delta T", identifier="Temperature_Difference", color="b" ) signal_target_delta_t = LivePlotSignal( name="Target Delta T", identifier="Target_Delta_T", color="r" ) graph_delta_t.add_signals([signal_actual_delta_t, signal_target_delta_t]) return graph_delta_t def temperatures(self): graph_temperatures = LivePlotWidget( setup=self.setup, title="Temperatures", ylabel="Temperature [°C]°", ylims=(20, 20 + self.setup.config['general']['temperature_difference_set_point_high'] + 5), ) signal_temperature_one = LivePlotSignal( name="Temperature 1", identifier="Temperature_1", color="b" ) signal_temperature_two = LivePlotSignal( name="Temperature 2", identifier="Temperature_2", color="r" ) graph_temperatures.add_signals([signal_temperature_one, signal_temperature_two]) return graph_temperatures def flow(self): graph_flow = LivePlotWidget( setup=self.setup, title="Flow", ylabel="Flow [slm]", ylims=(0, 100) ) signal_flow = LivePlotSignal( name="Flow Measurement", identifier="Flow", color="b" ) signal_flow_estimate = LivePlotSignal( name="Flow Estimate", identifier="Flow_Estimate", color="r" ) graph_flow.add_signals([signal_flow, signal_flow_estimate]) return graph_flow def pid(self): graph_pid = LivePlotWidget( setup=self.setup, title="PID Components", ylabel="Gain", ylims=(-0.5, 2.5) ) singal_p = LivePlotSignal(name="P", identifier="Controller_Output_P", color="r") signal_i = LivePlotSignal(name="I", identifier="Controller_Output_I", color="g") signal_d = LivePlotSignal(name="D", identifier="Controller_Output_D", color="b") signal_pid = LivePlotSignal( name="PID", identifier="Controller_Output", color="k", width=2 ) graph_pid.add_signals([singal_p, signal_i, signal_d, signal_pid]) return graph_pid def power(self): graph_power = LivePlotWidget( setup=self.setup, title="Power", ylabel="Power [%]", ylims=(0, 1) ) signal_power = LivePlotSignal(name="Power", identifier="PWM", color="k") graph_power.add_signals([signal_power]) return graph_power def delta_t_competition(self): graph_delta_t = LivePlotWidgetCompetition( setup=self.setup, title="Temperature Difference", ylabel="Temperature Difference [°C]", ylims=(0, self.setup.config['general']['temperature_difference_set_point_high'] + 5), ) signal_actual_delta_t = LivePlotSignal( name="Actual Delta T", identifier="Temperature_Difference", color="b" ) signal_target_delta_t = LivePlotSignal( name="Target Delta T", identifier="Target_Delta_T", color="r" ) graph_delta_t.add_signals( actual_signal=signal_actual_delta_t, reference_signal=signal_target_delta_t ) return graph_delta_t